9400 East CD Avenue | Richland, MI 49083 | 269-629-9430|Jilisa@richlandareacc.org


in us for an evening to celebrate your Gull Lake Pre-K thru Fifth Grade Guy and their special date! We'll have prizes, activities, music, dancing, drinks, snacks, and more! Tickets are available from now through November 5 at 10 PM, for $25/per couple and +$5 for each additional guy.

By |2024-10-03T11:54:58-04:00September 19th, 2024|Blog, Featured, Upcoming Events|Comments Off on MY GUY & I GLOW PARTY 2024

Setting the Stage: A Preschool Theatre Class!

Setting the Stage is a vibrant blend of children's literature, engaging games, and creative crafts, each element carefully chosen to spark imagination and introduce the fundamentals of the performing arts. Ages 3 to 5! This Class is offered through the Kalamazoo Civic Theatre – Academy of Theatre Arts and will be held at the Richland Area Community Center, this 6 week class begins Wednesday October 2 at 9 AM.

By |2024-09-30T17:52:48-04:00September 12th, 2024|Arts and Culture Classes, Blog, Featured, Upcoming Events|Comments Off on Setting the Stage: A Preschool Theatre Class!
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