Richland Farmers’ Market Rules & Regulations

Vendor related questions should be directed to

  • Vendors are expected to remain open during the entire length of the market day unless all products have been sold out prior to market closing.  However, inclement weather may force the market to close early.
  • Vendors are expected to provide their own tables, tents, chairs, bags, change (money) and displays.  Additionally, each vendor should display a sign in the stall area that identifies the name and location of the business.
  • All vendors must post prices in full view of consuming public; lettering must be clearly legible.
  • Stands are to be kept hazard-free and reasonably attractive.  The vendor must remove trash and litter from any source before their departure.
  • All produce must be stored and displayed at a reasonable distance above the ground (minimum of 18 inches), with the exception of watermelons, pumpkins, flowers in containers, or other items in water for freshness.  All produce should be local, mature, but not overripe, void of decay, and harvested within 48 hours.  
  • Vendors shall conduct themselves in a pleasant and courteous manner with customers and other vendors at all times.
  • Any grievance regarding the pricing habits, displays, or conduct of another vendor should be immediately directed to the Market Manager(s). 
  • Brokered produce and products may not exceed 10% of the total stall.  Brokered produce must be labeled at the market with the farm where it originated. Commercial, mass produced items are only allowed if locally owned and produced by the vendor in Michigan.
  • Eggs, cheese, and meats must meet all Federal, State, and local storage regulations while on site.  Vendors producing canned or cooked goods from a licensed kitchen must provide a copy of the license.
  • Bags or baskets intended to be used for market shopping can be sold as long as they are products from a single origin location, or modified in a way that makes them original products.
  • “Cottage Food” vendors must comply with State of Michigan guidelines, including restricting sales to approved food items and using an appropriate label. The basic information that must be on the label is as follows:

       1.) Name and address of the Cottage Food operation.
       2.) Name of the Cottage Food product.
       3.) The ingredients of the Cottage Food product, in descending order of predominance by weight. If you use a prepared                      item in your recipe, you must list the sub ingredients as well. For example: soy sauce is not acceptable, soy sauce                        (wheat, soybeans, salt) would be acceptable.
       4.) The net weight or net volume of the Cottage Food product.
       5.) Allergen labeling as specified in federal labeling requirements.
       6.) The following statement: “Made in a home kitchen that has not been inspected by the Michigan Department of                              Agriculture” in at least the equivalent of 11-point font and in a color that provides a clear contrast to the background.

  • **The Richland Farmers’ Market managers reserve the right to reject vendors who are not in compliance with the Cottage Food rules, or based on problems arising from poor product quality or hygiene. 
  • A “V” vendor space is defined as 12 feet wide and 30 feet long. There is space to park your vehicle at your space, but not a vehicle plus a trailer. The “C”vendor space is 12 x 12 with no vehicle behind the space.  Vendors may use a maximum of two spaces. Premium vendors that will be absentmust call the market manager to inform us of the absence. Each week, premium spaces that are empty at 2:45 p.m. will be made available to other vendors
  • Weekly vendor spaces are assigned on a first come – first serve basis.  Weekly vendors must check in with Market Manager to receive space assignment.  
  • Vendors must be pre-registered & pre-approved by the Richland Farmers’ Market at least 24 hours prior to market day
  • We reserve the right to have items removed from the space if different from the original approved application, or if they are non-compliant with State of Michigan rules.
  • Richland Farmers’ Market assumes no responsibility, and shall not be liable for any damage or injury.
  • No Refunds