Beginning Oil Painting: Realism
6-Week Oil Painting Class, $100
Tuesdays: Sept. 26, Oct, 17, 24, 31, Nov. 7, Last class TBD, 5:30-7:30 PM.
Learn how the old masters painted, in this 6-week class with Linda Compton. Includes an overview of all painting media, composition, drawing your image on the canvas or board, underpainting and glazing with color. Bring a photo or approximately 8×10 image of anything you want to paint. Included are 8×10 inch canvas boards, brushes, pencils, and table-top easels, paint and solvents. Bring a bigger canvas if you wish. You will draw or paint in class, then work on it at home between classes. When we bring the painting in each week we will have fun with encouragement, answering questions, guiding color choices, and we will have fun with encouragement, answering questions, guiding color choices, and providing feedback to help improve your own masterpiece.